Monday, 19 October 2015



Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of matter and energy and the mutual relationship between them.

Example: The study of Physics involves the investigation about many things like, how do motor cars move? How does an aeroplane fly? How is sound produced? etc

Branches of Physics:
Due to expanding scope and research in Physics, it is usually divided into following branches:

1.                  Mechanics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the study of motion and the physical effects which influence motion.
Example: How does an object move? How does friction act along with motion? How velocity and acceleration is produced? Etc

2.                  Heat and Thermodynamics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the thermal energy possessed by the molecules of matter and its use when it flows from one body to another.
Example: How does heat engine work? How does compressor work?

3.                  Sound
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the physical aspects of audible sound energy.
Example: How sound is produced? How sound travel from one location to another?

4.                  Light
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the physical aspects of visible light.
Example: How light travels? How light reflect? How light refract?

5.                  Electromagnetism
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the study of electromagnetic phenomena and mutual relationship between magnetism and electricity.
Example: How does transformer work?

6.                  Atomic and Molecular Physics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the properties of atom and molecules.
Example: Structure of atoms and molecules. Radioactivity

7.                  Nuclear Physics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the properties of isolated nuclei of atoms.
Example: Atomic bomb, Nuclear fission, Nuclear fusion.

8.                  Plasma Physics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the study of matter in plasma state.
Example: Study about sun and different matter in plasma state.

9.                  Solid State Physics
Definition: It is the branch of Physics which deals with the specific properties of matter in solid form.
Example: classification of solids..

There are some branches of Physics under which we study the combined concepts of Physics and other branches of sciences.
1.                  Astrophysics
Definition: Astrology is the branch of science which deals with the heavenly bodies in space like planets and stars etc. So astrophysics deals with the branch of knowledge of heavenly bodies and interaction between matter and energy in space.
Example: The basis of universe.

2.                  Geophysics
Definition: Geology is the branch of science which deals with the study of earth. So geophysics deals with the study of the internal structure of earth in the light of Physics.
Example: Reasons of seismography

3.                  Biophysics
Definition: Biology is the branch of science which deals with the study of life and living organisms. So biophysics deals with the study of biological sciences on the basic principles of Physics.
Example: How do systems of nerve cells communicate?

Read More

1. Waves & Its Types
2. Simple Harmonic Motion
3. What are Physical Quantities?
4. Scientific Method


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