Monday, 19 October 2015


It is normally thought that Europeans received the light of scientific knowledge from Greek scientists but Greeks were ignorant of the arduous testing path to research and curiosity. Their theories were based on general observations. The true spirit of research, observation and experimentation was transferred to Europeans by Muslim scientists. Alberuni, Alkindi and Ibn-ul-Haithem are the pioneer Arabs whose researches were translated into European languages and they were made the stepping stone of knowledge for the European scientists.

1.                  Ibn-ul-Haithem
Introduction: He was born in Busra in 965 A.D. His full name was Ibn-ul-Haithm Abu Ali Hassan Bin Hussain.
Working: He was known for his exceptional work in the field of optics. He has invented pin hole camera by making a small hole in the window to see solar eclipse.
Books: His book name is Al-Manazir in which he discussed:-
·                     Nature of light that it is a form of energy
·                     Refraction of light that it deviates from its original path when enters from one medium to another.
·                     Research on spherical mirrors
·                     Working and internal structure of eye.

2.                  Al-Beruni
Introduction: He was born in about 973 A.D. in a village near Khawarzim. His full name was Abu Rehan Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Beruni.
Working: He was a famous physicist and an astronomer too. He revealed that the Indus valley was infact the basin of a big ocean which gradually filled with mud.
Books: His first book name is Qanoon-ul-Masoodi in which he discussed:-
·                    Measurement and shape of earth
·                    Movement of Sun and moon
·                    Shining and phases of moon
·                    Longitude and latitude of earth

His second book name is Kitab-ul-Astarlab in which he explained the methods of measuring:-
·                     Circumference of earth
·                     Depth of river
·                     Density of metals

3.                  Alkundi
Introduction: He was born in Busra in the 3rd century hijra. His full name was Yaqoob Ibn-e-Ishaq Alkundi.
Working: He was not only a philosopher but also a great scientist and physicist. He wrote books on sound and music which is now a days popular in European countries.

4.                  Dr. Abdus Salam
Introduction: Professor Dr. Abdus Salam is the only Pakistani scientist who was awarded the prestigious nobel prize in 1979.
Working: He has combined two basic forces of nature i.e., weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force.

5.                  Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Introduction: Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is world renowned Pakistani atomic scientist. He is working as director of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Laboratory.
Working: Under his supervision along with his fellow scientists six successful nuclear experiments were carried out on 28th May, 1998 at Chaghi in Baluchistan. And Pakistan became the seventh nuclear power in the world.


1.                  Matter assumes the state of gas, comprising of ions and electrons, at a very high temperature. This is called Plasma.
2.                  Matter in the plasma phase makes up much of the universe.
3.                  The matter of sun is also in plasma state.
4.                  Energy obtained by breaking up 1 Kg of uranium is equal to the energy obtained from burning three million Kg of coal.
5.                  In the 14th century, scientist named Nicole Oresme studied the change in velocity with the help of geometry for the first time.
6.                  In the 16th century, Galileo studied freely falling bodies using modern scientific method.
7.                  The name of book of Isaac Newton is Principia Mathematica.
8.                  In the 17th century, Isaac Newton stated laws of motion and gravitation in his book.
9.                  In the 18th century, the electric cell was invented by Alesandro Volta.
10.              In the 20th century, Albert Einstein declared that mass and energy are forms of each other.
11.              In the 20th century, computer caused revolutionary changes in all areas of life.
12.              The radio telescope invented in the 20th century.
13.              Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of properties of matter and energy and their mutual relationship.
14.              Physics has not only made progress in its own field but has also shown new avenues of research to other fields of knowledge.
15.              The first step of the scientific method is to make observations of a natural phenomenon.

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